How to mount Magnart:

Clean surface: Smooth out uneven surface with fine sandpaper and wipe with Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, let dry. Do not use household cleaners.
Tip: A light film of hairspray will improve surface quality.
Apply adhesive tabs: Carefully remove one side of magnart adhesive tab and firmly position on the wall with even pressure for 30 seconds.
Wait for 30 minutes: For adhesive to bond.
Apply Magnart backing plate: Remove other side of Magnart adhesive tab and firmly position Magnart backing plate with even pressure for 30 seconds.
Wait for another 30 minutes
Position image: Place Magnart magnets on the front. Strong clamping pressure with the backing plate will hold image in place.
How to remove Magnart:
Slowly slide Magnart magnet: Slowly slide Magnart magnet away from the object.
Slide knife under Magnart backing plate: Gently lever Magnart backing plate from Magnart adhesive.
Roll adhesive slowly away.